INTERVIEW: 4 Questions with PX3
GENRE: Funk/Jam/Indie/Rock/Soul
Members perform with NO MIND
Who/What is your primary influence for PX3?
We both have a deep appreciation for a wide array of music. We take inspiration from anything, really. Our musical influences that have helped shape the direction of P(x3) are: Benevento Russo Duo, Mehliana, Knower, Kneebody, That dude Tim who sang next to the dumpster at Arby’s, Nerve, Wayne Krantz Trio, Flying Lotus, Aphex Twin, and Squarepusher.
When did you first start singing or playing? What instruments do you play?
Isaac: I have been playing piano for nearly 28 years (since I was 5) and was classically trained. I then picked up saxophone at age 9 and studied both instruments with an array of teachers before going to the Hartt School for a degree in jazz. I also learned clarinet and flute during those years but primarily focus on keys and sax.
Rob: I started playing drum kit when I was 9 and also play guitar, and bass. I have had the chance to study under many drum luminaries, most notable is Dave Weckl.
Who is your favorite hero?
We both share a lot of musical heroes including JoJo Mayer, Mark Guiliana, Zach Danzigher, Corey Henry, Chris Potter, Donny McCaslin, Louis Cole, Taylor McFerrin, Flying Lotus, and too many more to name. As far as super heroes go, Rob picks Rick Grimes, “because anybody could relate to him making difficult choices, you or me both.” Isaac adds, “I’d say Captain Marvel. She is a true badass.”
PX3 performs 10pm on Fri. 12/13/19 at Bishop’s Lounge at
41 Strong Avenue Northampton MA