Featuring Brian Chicoine (from Truck Stop Troubadors) & Dan Lefebvre (of Arc City Angels) and other musical guests.

Brian is the lead singer for the band Truck Stop Troubadours. During his solo shows he performs familiar classics of all music genres. Alternative, folk, rock & plenty of traditional country!! Brian’s guests usually consist of several familiar names from the valley and round out the night of music, keeping all of the fans on their toes.

Daniel is pretty much engulfed in music 24/7 from the moment he wakes up until the time he goes to bed. Dani is the the founding member and chief songwriting element of Arc City Angels. When he’s not doing music he’s either going out for walks or going on some outdoor adventure. He enjoys going to the mall and buying new music. He loves to spend time with his friends, go out on dates and see new movies. Most people go shopping for groceries, Dan goes to the music store. This kid’s life is pretty much consumed by music.