INTERVIEW: 4 Questions
with Mike Moore, Fire in the Field
GENRE: Rock n’ Roll
Who/What is the primary influence for Fire in the Field?
Always felt like Van Damme could set fire to a house with one of those roundhouse kicks. Jackie Chan stunts from the early 90’s in films like Operation Condor or First Strike. Martial arts films and cutting my lips making out with my high school girlfriend in the field outside homeroom. “Blood in the Field” wasn’t a good band title though, we’re not true metal.
When did you first start singing or playing? What instruments do you play?
There’s footage of me somewhere as a child doing a Jim Carrey monologue verbatim from The Mask and I’d like to think of that as my dawn in the biz. I wish all I had to do was movie monologues but I play guitar and sing. You’ll see Jared G. On drums, Andrew Blowen on z keys, and his second time playing with us, NOHO’s own Josh Hirst on z bass.
Who is your favorite hero?
I’ll be snobby and say Scorcese is my favorite superhero for saying that “Marvel movies are not cinema they’re more akin to amusement rides.” I’m paraphrasing there.
Ok I’ll be nice and say Batman, but not Christopher Nolan Batman… who wants a realistic superhero movie? Realism + Superheroes = suspension of disbelief beyond my parameters for 2.5 hrs of sitting. Gimme superheroes that feel like they’re out of comics, make it ridiculous, fantasy, etc. etc. they friggin’ wear spandex, don’t make it realistic. I love the Batman cartoon from the 90’s.
Bruce Wayne is a great character because he’s a reluctant hero. I guess many of the ones we know are but I dig the overall world. Gotham’s dark and seedy nature is fun to inhabit in the imagination and the closest to the feeling of noir I think any superhero world gets.
10PM SAT. 12/14/19